carrot papasam


  • Carrot - 2 (150 gms)
  • Sugar - 4 tbl. sp.
  • Milk - 4 tbl.sp.
  • Cardomom - 2
  • Cashewnut - 4

carrot-payasam image

method of preparation

  • Cut the carrot into small pieces and cook well with enough milk and grind into a smooth paste.
  • Heat 2 tsp. of ghee and add the carrot paste.
  • Fry well and add sugar and little water. When the sugar dissolves well, remove from the fire.
  • Add cardomom powder and fried cashewnuts.
  • Add the milk and mix well just before serving. (Cashewnuts may be powdered coarsely even without frying and added to the payasam before serving.)

Milk payasam | Rice payasam | Aval payasam | Carrot payasam | Jackfruit payasam


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